Seafood Lovers’ Guide to Wild Salmon BC Live Spot Prawns & Seafood

Seafood Lovers’ Guide to Wild Salmon

Wild salmon. Those simple words automatically put the delicate taste of velvety succulence on your lips as you are rushed into a call to the wild. Your ears are engulfed by crashing water while your feet planted firmly on the ground as if to ride another boat churning wave. The adrenaline of wild salmon fishermen (and women) courses through your veins, igniting the fisher within you.

Wild Spring Salmon: King among Kings

Perhaps all lovers of seafood know that the true king of wild salmon is indeed the wild King well as the wild Spring Salmon and the wild Chinook Salmon. Right?

The fact is not many people, even seafood connoisseurs, know that the wild King Salmon is also known as wild Spring Salmon or wild Chinook Salmon.

Wild Spring Salmon (Wild King Salmon)  is a firm textured fish that is truly rich in flavor. The possibilities for creativity and excellent dishes is practically endless when it comes to the wild Spring Salmon.

Wild Sockeye Salmon (sashimi-grade)

Wild Sockeye, also known as the “red salmon”, offers a full-bodied flavor that leaves a satisfying rich aftertaste lingering on your taste buds. This highly prized wild red salmon does need to be carefully selected. Purchasing Sockeye Salmon requires a few key terms in order to protect the species' very existence.

  • Wild-caught
  • Fresh
  • Flash-Frozen (sashimi-grade)

Wild Sockeye Salmon caught on the west coast of BC, come from our fishing families to yours through sustainable practices that keep our ocean habitat safely flourishing.

A beautiful universal language, wild salmon is highly sought in worldwide cuisine. It is the artful dish of Sashimi, a popular Japanese cuisine, where wild salmon can be presented in its most natural form. Sold frozen and individually vacuumed sealed, Sashimi-grade wild Sockeye Salmon can be an exciting new experience for families at home. The versatility of this type of wild salmon is enjoyed in its simplest wild form.

Pretty in Pink: Wild Pink Salmon

Small but mighty, wild Pink Salmon may be the smallest of wild Pacific Salmon species but its health benefits are not lacking in strength. The health benefits of this wild salmon rival those of even the wild King Salmon, just packed in a much smaller package.

Mild with a soft texture, Wild Pink Salmon is open to possibilities when it comes to a flavour blasting marinade. Every taste bud could find a possibility for wild Pink Salmon. Not only will it make your taste buds dance but your body as well. High in vitamin A and D, wild Pink Salmon can offer a boost in the sunshine vitamin (vitamin D) that seems to be sucked from our bodies during long winter months.

Seafood Lovers’ Guide to Wild Salmon

A Passion for More

“Buy Wild” is a common slogan for many seafood companies. For small companies that is more than a slogan. It is the past, present, and future of their passion. A passion that stretches beyond wealth and popularity. Small family companies that catch wild seafood do it because it is their passion for the very species they are catching.

The benefits of healthy choices include every aspect of wild salmon. Not only is wild salmon an undeniably healthy food source, but the care and attention wild fisherman put into harvesting wild salmon expands to the health of the environment in which we live.

Positive health benefits of wild salmon include omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, source of B vitamins, boost of potassium, and offers a high concentration of selenium.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Reduces inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, and decreases risk factors for some diseases, like cancer.


Ability to heal and protect bone health; prevents muscle loss, ect.

B Vitamins

Protects heart and brain health; amps energy production; controls inflammation.


Helps prevent retention of excess fluids; assists in controlling blood pressure.


A trace amount can help protect bone health; improve thyroid functions; and reduce risks of cancer.

Farming: A Risk to All Involved

When it comes to the salmon market, sustainability is not always a first choice for some seafood companies. Wild caught salmon is exactly what it says, if you are buying local or from a reputable seafood company. Wild salmon go through their complete life cycle untouched by humans. The waters in which they live is their sustainability for both themselves and their habitat.

Farming salmon is becoming a rising danger to every species in and outside of the water. Salmon fish farms often harbor disease and sickness that contaminates wild salmon populations as well as consumer populations.

Buying local and buying wild is a way to help keep the sustainability of the ocean habitat for years to come. Plus, opening a flash-frozen wild caught salmon is much more pleasant than opening a farmed salmon package that leaks a gagging decay smell.

All Things Considered

Buy local. Buy fresh. Buy Wild.

Simple as that. Small fishing families are proud to bring sustainable wild salmon from their waters to your kitchen. With support of each other, wild salmon can continue to be delivered to dinner tables without endangering the waters in which they come from.

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